Hi everyone, In this blog, I will tell you some basic steps about how to make a workflow. I had some issues in making a workflow so I made this blog so all of you can understand it. The links that I've mentioned below, use them where I've asked in the steps. Links: (For use) https://dynamicsaxinsight.wordpress.com/2015/02/16/ax-2012-create-custom-workflow/ https://community.dynamics.com/ax/b/alirazatechblog/archive/2016/10/19/customization-in-new-dynamics-ax-aka-ax-7-part-6-custom-workflow Steps: 1- Make Base Enum and add values in it.(The values shoule be proper!!!) 2- Customize a table or make a new table as extension wont work in this case because a method is to be over rided. 3- Add this enum to the fields area of that table. 4- Add a field group in the table, it will be used ahead. Fields to be added are of your choice. 5- Override canSubmit.... method of the table. 6- Make a static method in the table. 7- Details of the step 5 and 6 are in the links. 8-...
Dynamics 365 for Operations (a.k.a. AX7) provides several endpoints for web service. In this blog post, I want to describe consuming a D365O custom web service in a C# application using the SOAP endpoint. For a detailed description about service endpoints, you can read the official documentation at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/operations/dev-itpro/data-entities/services-home-page . The main advantage of the SOAP protocol is its descriptive functionality through the WSDL language. SOAP endpoints provide detailed description about contracts and parameters to call each service method. Visual Studio has a great functionality that can read the service description and automatically generate proxy classes to access the service methods. Let’s do an example of consuming a D365O web service in Visual Studio. Run Visual Studio and go to File – New Project , go to Templates – Visual C# – Windows Classic Desktop ...